Everyone knows the old saying “we are what we eat” which proves that if you eat an entire Mc Donald’s super sized meal you probably a lazy, overweight and possibly rather greasy haired type of person. On the other hand if you eat a home cooked roast with loads of gorgeous veggies baked and not fried in oil you would probably be a slim, structured and silky haired type of person.

So what is “we are what we do” all about? I believe that in life every action we take has a reaction and in my minds eye this depicts the above statement perfectly. Since I can remember I’ve been picking up other peoples babies and playing mommy with them. Dolls were fun but not nearly as fun as having the real thing. Over the years nothing has change and even though I’m studying Public Relations I feel that my calling in life is to be a mother.
Hold back the feminist, I know this sounds like I’m pulling myself down and yes I know so many people think this is like taking the easy road in life; never work and become a mom – that sounds like fun. Yes it does but it’s not as easy as 1, 2, 3. Being a mom is a full time job starting with the endless sleepless nights and moving on to the terrible twos, then there’s becoming the inevitable soccer mom and lets not forget about the dreaded teenage years. Does it sound like fun now??
To me all of the above sounds perfect. I never wanted anything more in life but in my mind the only way that is going to happen is if I number 1: get a good degree and of course number 2: find the love of my life.
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