Sunday, April 24, 2011

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself

I have never really been a great liar and honestly I am proud of this fact. Why would you want to be a good liar? Where does it get you in life, besides disliked and shunned upon???

Then there is lying to yourself. I’m sure many people may do this as a means to protect themselves from the truth but I think it is a silly habit because in actual fact deep down you know the truth and it will come out one way or another. 

There is one thing I do lie to myself about and that is stress. I always manage to convince my body that it is not stressed and everything is perfectly fine. Sounds absolutely fine right? Well it’s not and I will tell you why. By denying oneself the right to feel stressed you deny yourself the right to get rid of it. So what’s wrong with that? Well you’re pretty much gearing your body up for an attack on itself and I know from experience. A few things I’ve experienced include crazy anger attacks on those closest to you, nose bleeds, extremely bad eczema, restlessness and even extreme fatigue. Non of which is fun by any means.

I am therefore working on my stress and trying to figure out when I am in fact really stressed because it is a really poor idea to lie to yourself and I am proof of that statement.

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