Sunday, September 4, 2011

My big fat BIG dream

Well there are no prizes for those who have already guests the answer to this title for me…Yes my dream is still to be married with children.
I know my feminists readers are probably covering their eyes and shaking their heads at me but what can I say…this has always been my dream and NOTHING will ever change that, not even a broken heart.
I have been single for around 1.5 years now and I don’t believe I am ready to start dating again just yet but I am on my way to being ready which is a lot better than where I was a few months ago.
I can’t rush into anything just yet though cause no.1 I need to finish my degree with a clear head and no.2 I am on the road to looking for a potential husband and that can never be rushed J
I may be young and stupid but this is MY dream and no one can stop me from fulfilling my dreams. So I will be keeping my eyes and heart open until that day when I find the man who I believe is capable of making my dreams come true and if he has a dream worthy house as part of the package, I won’t be complaining!

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