Sunday, September 18, 2011

It's a Matter of Fact

Just a couple of interesting facts I found on good old Google that interested me and decided to share with you guys:

1.    Many years ago in Scotland, a new game was invented. It was ruled ’ Gentlemen Only..Ladies Forbidden’…and thus the word GOLF entered into the English Language.

2.    The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV was Fred and Wilma Flintstone.

3.    Everyday more money is printed for Monopoly than the US Treasury.

4.    Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better.

5.    The percentage of Africa that is wilderness: 28% (now get this…) The percentage of North America that is wilderness: 38%

6.    I n the 1400’s a law was set forth that a man was not allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. Hence we have “the rule of thumb”.

7.    Coca-Cola was originally green.

8.    Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

9.    A Blue whales tongue weighs more than an elephant.

10.  Bruce Lee was so fast that actually had to slow a film down so you could see his moves. That’s the opposite of the norm.

11.  Bone is five times stronger than steal.

12.  Tiger shark embryos fight each other in their mother's womb. The survivor is born.

13.  You grow by about 8mm (O.3in) every night when you are asleep, but shrink to your former height the following day.

14.  It would take 1,200,000 mosquitoes, each sucking once, to completely drain the average human of blood.

15.  A normal person will die from total lack of sleep sooner than from starvation. Death will occur about 10 days without sleep, while starvation takes a Few weeks.

16.  About 75 acres of pizza are eaten in the U.S. everyday.

17.  If you are locked in a completely sealed room, you will die of carbon dioxide poisoning first before you will die of oxygen deprivation.

18.  315 entries in Webster's 1996 Dictionary were misspelled.

19.  When glass breaks, the cracks move at speeds of up to 3,000 miles per hour.

20.  During the 2,475,576,000 seconds of the average length life, averagely we speak 123,205,750 words, have sex 4,239 times, and shed 121 pints of tears.
And thats a FACT!

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