There is so much in my life that I should and am grateful for that this blog could go on forever but I will try to keep it short and point out the 3 main factors that make my life so unbelievably awesome.
I shall begin with my family as they take up the biggest part of my life. I realised again the other day how amazing they are and how lucky I am to have them in my life. We were at my cousins mini engagement party (they will be having the proper one in the next few weeks) and I had brought my friend Lindy along with me. We all just sat around drinking and eating and talking absolute hog wash and having the best of times, as we always do. At the end of the night when I asked Lindy if she enjoyed herself; her reply was “you’re so lucky to have a family like that” so I asked her why and if she didn’t do things like that with her family and she responded that she hardly ever saw her family. This helped me to realise how lucky I am and how much I treasure my incredible family.

My friends. I have never really had a group of friends who I felt I could be myself with, well not 100% anyway. So when I met my current group of friends I really did tend to tread a bit lightly around them. This didn’t seem to work at all; so I unleashed my true personality on them and what do you know they loved me, the real me, everything I am and everything I stand for and that makes me truly grateful to have them in my life.
Lastly my dog. This may seem like a funny one but she has ALWAYS been there for me. Through the good and the bad she has never left my side even crying when I cry – seriously. When I left for the States a few years back I literally had to Skype her because she was mourning my being gone so badly. Now that I am back I spend as much time with her as I possibly can and she is so like me it’s actually quite frightening. She loves attention but only for about 5minutes and then she’s had enough, she suffers terribly from allergies and she hates my ex boyfriend-I’d say we the perfect match.
Being grateful means you appreciate things. And when you appreciate things, you are more likely to make your things last longer! I appreciate my car! The old lady! lol