Sunday, July 31, 2011

How hard is it to follow instructions?

I would love to say it’s not hard at all just so that when I eventually become a mother I will be able to say that it isn’t hard to follow instructions to my children when they disobey me. Although I know for a fact that I often find it difficult to follow instructions. Following Chinese instructions is particularly difficult and I tend to steer clear of doing so whenever possible. 
Even though I am not the best when it comes to following instruction I can’t be all that bad cause I have made it to the point in my life where I am an inch or two away from attaining my degree and am lucky enough to have an internship at a fantastic company. I also bought myself a new laptop today and have successfully loaded everything and am therefore able to type out this blog post.
Without instructions life may seem easier but we all need some direction in order to move forward and for some it may even be the boundary they need to be able to function at all. So no matter how hard or easy the instructions are in life they are almost always needed.

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