All ideas tend to be dangerous. They are definitely not something you should put money on. An idea alone is not an investment; however if someone follows through on a specific idea, then it becomes something worth investing in.
Now it's always good to have more than one idea because if there is no plan B well quite simply your screwed...Your first "idea" may seem to be the best one you have ever had but even though they say go with your first instinct, this doesnt really apply to ideas. Ok in some ways it does but the idea needs to be flexible and you should be able to make variations to it and in the end it will more than likely turn out to be non-other than...plan B.
Being creative and being able to come up with ideas is a fabulous gift and one no person should ever ignore but limiting yourself to one great idea is not healthy and definitely not productive and forward thinking therefore you should never be afraid to have an idea and act on it but be willing to work with the idea and mould it into something worth all your time an effort.
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