Saturday, August 27, 2011

Conventional is a good fall-back position isn’t it?

I would not go as far as to say it’s a good “fall-back” position but it could be the basis to many things in life. What I am saying is for instance when I started cooking I had to be taught the basics which was what most people would consider to be the conventional way of cooking. Once I could “stir with my own two hands”, I started to pick up the pace a little and began to mix and match different recipes and created my own style. 
This spread into my other passions which by now most of you should know that my number 1 passion in life is raising children, again not my own (not now at least) but other people’s children. Over the years I have watched moms and dads raise their children the conventional way with a flair or two of their own spice in the mix. I took the basics applied it to my love for kids and I took off like a wildfire from there.

I have loved every learning curve that the conventional way has taught me and I have loved being able to add my own special ingredient to each as I have grown into my own person. The thing is if you don’t start somewhere (that somewhere is in most cases the conventional way) then you can’t get anywhere. The key is to take the conventional, add a touch of the unconventional and finally a sprig of your own special ingredient and the result perfection of its own kind.
The Conventional and not-so-conventional ;)

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